Ohio’s Hospice of Dayton invites the community to remember and celebrate their loved ones at…

Education Offering Focuses on Palliative Care and Pharmacology
Ohio’s Hospice of Dayton is hosting an educational program for Advance Practice Nurses on August 26 that qualifies participants for six free hours of continuing education credit.
Picnic Baskets, Palliative Care and Prescribing Practices will focus on pharmacology and has been approved for 6 hours of continuing education by the Ohio Board of Nursing through the CE Approver at Northwest State Community College. OBN-008-92-2096-
071717. The education (all 6 hours) meets the requirements for APN Pharmacotherapy continuing education.
- Nancy Trimble, PhD, RN, CNP, ACHPN, will address “Geriatric Pharmacology (A Pediatric Approach) and Proper Recognition and Treatment of UTIs in the Long Term Care Population
- Cleanne Cass, DO, FAAHPN, FAAFP, CAQ-Geriratrics, will discuss Advance Pain Management
- Wendy Schmitz, MD, will cover Medication Calculations and Conversions
- Lynda Weide, MSN, RN, CHPN, will offer Guideline Directed Medical Therapy for Heart Failure
The program opens with 8:30 registration and ends at 4:30 pm. Ohio’s Hospice of Dayton will host the event in the Community Room at the Dayton Hospice House, 324 Wilmington Ave. A continental breakfast and picnic lunch will be provided. Advance registration is required.
Please contact Senior Director of Education and Staff Development Julie Wickline, 937-256-9507,4401, for additional information or with questions.
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